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Animal brown horse

About Me

I'm a certified animal communicator and Energy Healing practitioner, but communicating with animals and conducting energy healings did not happen overnight. Rather, it was a journey. I was woken up to spirituality in 2007, but the only reason I even became interested in spirituality was because I had just gotten out of a terrible relationship, and because I continued to work with the man, I was subject to very cruel treatment I endured until I quit that employment 3 years later. The money and convenience I got from the job kept me trapped in a toxic situation, or better said, I kept myself trapped in the situation choosing the convenience and money over how I was being treated, or how I felt about myself, especially, since I made many unsuccessful attempts to find something equivalent. While under normal circumstances I would have just moved on, thinking "out of sight out of mind", the cruel treatment and suffering that came with it served as a catalyst event for me to discover spirituality.


After one year of reading many spiritual books, and watching “the Secret”, I started to live much more consciously and the bad treatment by my ex also motivated me to go back to college and set my goals high – I was not only going for a Bachelor’s degree, oh no – it was either all or nothing; Bachelor’s Degree, Masters Degree, and a Doctoral Degree was the goal. While I had no idea what I wanted to do with a Doctoral Degree, I knew that’s what I wanted to do, and shortly after staring the college journey at age 29, I met another man who later became the father of my twin girls. 


However, like all my relationships, also this one was a rocky one from the very beginning, and partly due to this unhappiness, I became  motivated me to join the U.S. Army at the ripe age of 33. 


While going away for military training, I had to figure out what to do with my dogs Coco and Bella, as well as my cats Gino and Gina. Luckily, I found foster parents for Coco and Bella over a non-profit organization that connected me with foster parents who fostered my dogs the entire 8 months of my training. At the same time I had decided that it would be best to bring my cats Gina and Gino to my mother who had cats most of her life. So I brought Gino and Gina with me to Europe, where I felt they would have a better life and where they could also stay if they wanted to as I knew they would be able to explore my mother's neighborhood versus having to be indoor cats with me, living in an apartment. It was a really difficult decision I had to make because Gino and Gina were family members, but at the same time I wanted to do what was best for them and allowed them to live the most fulfilling cat life they could possibly live by being able to go outside and explore the neighborhoods, hunt, and enjoy the seasons. 


Here a picture of Gina and Gino. Gino and Bella were best friends and Gino grew up having many traits dogs have, like greeting me at the door when I came home and play with Bella as if he was one of the dogs. Gina was more of a typical feline who loved to snuggle but was not too fond of playing with the dogs. 































This is me reuniting with Coco and Bella after I completed military training


Gina on the left and Gino together with Bella on the right

Towards the end of my military training, I also reunited with the man who had motivated me to enter the military in the first place, and completely unexpected, the relationship took a turn as I gotten pregnant not with one, but with two babies. Due to my twin pregnancy I decided to leave the Army voluntarily and move back to Florida, rather than serving the three years I had signed up for. It would have been very difficult to be a single mother of two newborns living all the way up in Maryland where I was stationed, and where I had no support system. So I returned to Florida and moved in with the father of my girls. Unfortunately, only when we moved in together, I started to see him for who he really was, and the relationship ran its course within only eight months of cohabitating. Then after a bit of back and forth the relationship ended for good in December 2016. 

Everything was extremely difficult as I was trying to make things work: Being a single mother of twin girls, working on my PhD studies, and focusing on a career in the federal government. It was very draining to make everything work, meanwhile co-parenting with the father of my girls. Until today, the coparenting is still the most challenging part of being a single parent.  

This is me together with my newborn babies in 2015


Things did not start to take a turn for the better until I went on a three weeks’ vacation in Thailand, where I learned how to meditate and become mindful. I even gotten a Buddhist tattoo in the form of a sacred tattoo by a Buddhist monk while I was in Thailand. It came with living up to the four noble truths in Buddhism. While I did not take these rules that seriously, reflecting back, I have been living up to the four noble truths ever since. 

Unfortunately, right after my return from Thailand, on November 13, 2019, my beloved dog Coco unexpectedly passed away. On the way to the emergency vet, I intuitively told my Coco that if she had to leave me, she should not try to hold on, as I ensured her that she can find her way back to me. Unfortunately, a mass that had been growing on her spleen had ruptured, and I had to get her euthanized. However, over the course of the month I started to see little signs from the other side. Coco also used to visit me in my dreams several times as my grief was probably too strong for her to get through to me any other way. In her dream visits, she showed me a little white/grey looking puppy, and I knew she was already back on earth in a different body, I just did not know how to find her. 

Around my birthday in December I ended up finding her by coincidence and named her “Cocolina”. A little earlier I had also started to read up on animal reincarnation, the animal afterlife, and eventually signed up for  Karen Andersons Basic Animal Communication course, which I completed during the Covid-19 lockdown. While I continued to practice animal communication, I was nowhere near ready to become a professional animal communicator. Then, towards the end of the year, something shifted and I decided to sign up for Karen Anderson’s Animal Communication Mastery Course, as I knew there was no other way I would get the courage to actually establish a website and become a professional animal communicator. 

My beloved Coco on the left and Cocolina on the right 


While I was always aware of having psychic abilities as they run in my family, I was finally able to use my gift and it allowed me to control it rather than coincidentally getting a bit of information here and there, and mostly while I was asleep in my dreams. I gave a great amount of practice readings, of which several readings were for grieving pet parents. They were mourning the loss of their pet companions and I realized then and there that my readings provided them with the instant ability to start the healing process. I also discovered that being of service to the pet and the parent is the most enjoyable part of being an animal communicator. It is what brought me to where I am today – helping clients like you who are grieving the loss of a pet, are in need of guidance on how to help their pets, or just to communicate with their pet and hear what their pets would like them to know. 

While I still struggle at times struggle with being associated with "woo woo things" where unfortunately many of those with psychic abilities are placed, I am feeling more and more indifferent about what others say or think. I also reserve my right to not provide my services to anyone who doubts animal communication, or to anyone who wants to “test” me when booking a reading. 

Instead, I dedicate my abilities to where I can make a difference, and be of service to those pets and their parents who are able to benefit of my abilities, as this is the most fulfilling part of being of service. 

While I grew up having cats, bunnies, and hamsters, I currently live with my girls, three dogs, 4 fish, several outside cats, and dozens of outside ducks and turtles in the South Florida area. However, my dream is to eventually live on an equestrian property, where I am able to own horses. 

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